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Unlock the Power of Conversational Voice AI With ClearTalk

Book a demo now to see how voice AI can change your business!



Speed to Lead

Call your leads faster than the competition with conversational voice AI. Reach out within one minute of them submitting their information.


Keep Following Up

Leverage voice AI to keep following up with potential customers, ensuring no opportunity is missed.

Never Miss A Call. Never Miss A Customer

No missed call mean no missed opportunities. Don’t let your customers call the competition.

miss call

100% Accurate Information

Our conversational voice AI is designed to equip your business with accurate info, making every customer interaction informative and effective.


More Production. Less Stress

Embrace a future of more production, less stress with our conversational voice AI, where enhanced efficiency and reduced stress go hand in hand.

less stress

Unlimited Agents and Roles

Our conversational voice AI offers unlimited AI agents and capabilities, ensuring scalable support for businesses of all sizes.


Automate All Communication

Our platform offers unparalleled voice AI automation, making every customer interaction smooth, natural, and efficient.



Appointment setting

Taking too long to reach out to leads? Need someone to follow up? Qualify them and schedule appointments? We have you covered.


Virtual Receptionist

Tired of missing calls? Paying too much for your receptionist? Need 24/7 answering so you capture every lead? Easy.



Have our agents call potential candidates immediately and then qualify them for the actual interview


AI Chatbot/Text Bot

We don't just do voice AI. Sometimes your candidates can't talk or don't want to. Text and Messaging AI is the next best thing.


Customer Service

Need somewhere for your customers to call in with questions? We can program our agent with your entire website so it can answer all the questions exactly how you want


Three Ways To Get Started

Ready to elevate your business with ClearTalk? Check out what we can help you grow your business!



Elevate your marketing agency with Clear Talk. We specialize in equipping marketing agencies with the artificial intelligence tools necessary to redefine success. With cutting-edge software and years of expertise in leveraging AI agent automation.



Harness the power of Ai to redefine appointment setting, customer service, recruiting, customer touch points and many other functions to truly automate your processes and improve your customer's experiences.



Excited about the AI revolution but don’t know how to get involved? We have a very generous affiliate program for select affiliates to refer businesses.


Take A Listen To Some Of Our Calls

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Appointments On Autopilot


Transform your business operations with our innovative approach, designed for seamless transitions and enhanced efficiency.

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Driving Growth,  Amplifying Impact

Modern Times Call For Modern Solutions

Any business employing agents for routine phone tasks can significantly enhance their operations and lower their costs with conversational AI. This strategic integration not only streamlines the process but also maximizes efficiency and customer engagement.

Companies We've Worked With

Partnering with a diverse range of businesses, we aim to enhance operations, lower costs, and improve efficiencies. Our collaborations span across multiple industries and our expertise shows with our happy customers.

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Click Link

Click the link and book a demo. We’ll set up a call to discuss the scope and details to ensure this is a good fit for your business.



Get Started

Get set up and take advantage of conversational voice AI for your business.



Fill Out

Fill out the form. Just a couple of basic questions about your business, and needs so we can prepare things for the call.



Schedule a Call

Schedule a convenient time for a call or get an AI call to schedule it for you.



Get Started

Get set up and take advantage of conversational voice AI for your business.

The Next Steps Steps

Four Steps To Hitting Your Earning Potential

See What Our Clients Think About Us

Jeffrey Martin


Solar Sales Executive

These guys go above and beyond to make sure things are up and running smoothly. Not only that but out of all the different voice AI’s I tried this was far superior. Been a huge success for us booking more appointments.


Drew Sugarman


Founder & CEO

I'm always looking for the next technological advance. When I found this I had my concerns but had to at least try it out. I'm pleasantly surprised and had an almost immediate ROI. Planning on shifting a lot of my operations over to this.


Dustin Markowski


Founder & CEO

When running a business I am always trying to push the envelope with building a repeatable system that can scale, but continue to deliver a white glove experience to our prospects and customers. This is what we get and what we love about ClearTalk ai, we can have relevant complex data communicated in a friendly responsive way.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Many businesses couldn’t answer calls, give callbacks, or call leads for reasons such as hectic schedules and limited staff. Offering reliable conversational voice AI can be a game-changer for business growth. Here are some of the benefits that your business can experience with us:

24/7 Support

With available conversational voice AI round-the-clock support, your clients will always have someone to talk to whether your office is busy, closed, or on vacation if they have questions. These will help your business stand out.

No Missed Call

Customer calls come in unpredictably. Given your hectic schedule, you cannot be expected to watch your phone if someone calls in. Having available conversational voice AI that captures leads, books appointments, and answers inquiries can be helpful.

No Lead Left Uncalled

Some customer wants to do business over the phone. Having hectic schedules hinders you from calling them. Automated outbound call is the perfect solution for that. Make sure that every lead is accounted for.

Elevate Customer’s Satisfaction

Most of the customer loves their business call inquiry to be answered. Ensure no calls are left unanswered and no leads are left uncalled. Great customer satisfaction can boost your business growth.

Save Time, Get More from Less

There’s no need to pay for an office-based answering person when you can get all these conversational voice AI services for over half the price. It’s budget-friendly and purely automated to save you money and time.

With ClearTalk, a cutting-edge technology. This software can help you answer calls, book appointments, send notifications, and make follow-ups. It will help your business to stand out from the crowd. With ClearTalk’s conversational voice AI services, your company will grow unexpectedly.s

The price of a receptionist is one of the most important factors to consider when deciding whether to employ a conversational voice AI or an in-house receptionist.

First, let’s take a look at the average price for an in-house receptionist.

The average salary for an in-house receptionist is about $37,000 and often comes with added fees, such as:

  • Medical, dental, and vision insurance, costing about $11,000/year
  • Life and disability insurance, costing about $2,000/year
  • 401K’s, retirement and pension plans, costing about $2,000/year
  • Paid sick leave, holidays, and vacations, costing about $5,500/year
  • Commuting reimbursement, costing about $5,000/year
  • Child care subsidy and parental leave, costing about $3,000/year
  • Health and wellness programs, costing about $1,000/year
  • Bonus pay, costing about $2,000/year
  • Company retreats, team bonding events, and employee outings, costing about $4,000/year
  • Free lunch, snacks, and drinks, costing about $3,500/year

Total Cost, Including Salary: $77,000/year

The price may be even higher if your business is located in a highly populated area. In-house receptionists can add to that cost when they inevitably come in late, call in sick, request time off, take personal leaves of absence, go on vacation, and so on.

On the other hand, in one of ClearTalk’s conversational voice AI services, a virtual receptionist can accomplish the same tasks that the in-house receptionist does. Aside from that, you don’t have to pay for any time off, benefits, or other fees.

ClearTalk’s virtual receptionist costs as cheap as $999/month with no hidden or other fees. Your business could save over $25012/year on salary alone, and up to $40000/year in benefits beyond salary payments.

Your business will not only cut costs but also boost productivity and revenue to extraordinary levels. With virtual receptionists handling calls beyond standard business hours, the impact on your operations will be more substantial than you expect. Furthermore, ClearTalk offers chatbots and text bots. SMS answering can be overlooked, but over 98% of customers prefer communicating with businesses through text.

Inbound and outbound virtual receptionists can turn your leads into customers. Businesses need to respond promptly, as 70% of customers prefer a same-day response. Offering round-the-clock support signifies a company’s commitment to delivering prompt assistance when needed. And 73% of their customers point to customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions.

It can be very difficult if you do the work and the administrative tasks at the same time. Knowing that it's already a handful doing the work to keep the business in operation. Businesses constantly face issues that impact their ability to grow or succeed. The most common scenarios that companies use virtual receptionist services for are:

  • My business is growing and my team can’t handle a high volume of calls

    Expanding a business can be a double-edged sword since it can be difficult to keep up once your company grows big together with your hectic schedule. With calls that need to be answered, appointments that need to be scheduled, and invoices that need to be sent, ClearTalk can help you with inbound and outbound calls to lessen your tasks and focus more on the production of your business.

  • I can’t offer around-the-clock availability to answer calls

    Company managers need rest and want to go home after business hours, and we all know that calls don’t just stop coming in and leads can often be missed especially if your clients are from different time zones. Thanks to ClearTalk’s virtual receptionist, you can now offer 24/7 accessible customer support.

  • I can’t afford to hire staff, but still need “front desk” support

    Companies have limited budgets, and may not be able to afford pricey in-house receptionists especially when the business has a lot of other expenses. ClearTalk is to the rescue, our virtual receptionist only costs $999/month with no hidden or other fees.

If your company is experiencing one or any of these scenarios, ClearTalk’s virtual receptionist can help you by allowing you to answer or call leads. Our automated agents will help you answer inquiries, book appointments, and even store and collect customer information directly to your CRM.

Companies frequently encounter challenging scenarios that may require you to have outsourced assistance to resolve the issue. Some of the most common problems are:

  • I can’t keep up with incoming calls and messages from clients

    Companies often have too much work and have limited staff, making it hard to keep up with phone calls and messages. Trying to run a business and give good excellent customer service at the same time can be difficult and can lead to poor performance in both.

  • I can’t respond fast enough to leads to beat my competition to new clients

    Given the competitive marketplace for every company, it can be challenging to stand out amongst similar businesses. Providing quality customer service by answering calls or responding quickly to customer’s inquiries can place your business above your competitors.

  • I can’t provide customer support 24/7

    Not every business does customer service support 24/7 it can be because the business tasks, management, and hectic schedule give them full-hand. Managers want to rest and spend time with their family too during after hours. Providing 24/7 customer support can be your kickstart for great customer service that will make your business stand out among competitors.

  • I can’t afford to hire a customer support representative

    Companies, especially small companies have limited budgets and may not be able to hire full-time in-house receptionists since it’s expensive. If customers don’t have the support they need, they are more likely to hire a competitor.

  • My staff spends too much time addressing common questions

    Customers always have common questions before hiring a business. They will either text, email or call you to ask those questions. If customer don’t have support to answer their questions, they will not do business with you.

If your company is experiencing either one or any of these scenarios, you are on the right track. As we’re slowly transitioning to the modern world now, we should start leveraging modern technology. ClearTalk, our cutting-edge software technology can help you with those problems with this conversational voice AI service:

  • Virtual Receptionist

    This automated service can help you answer phone call inquiries, book an appointment, and provide customer support. It will make sure that no calls are left unanswered. On the other hand, they will call leads and make a follow-up to make sure that no leads are left uncalled.

  • Chatbot or Text bot

    An automated chatbot or text bot can also help you with 24/7 customer support that will answer all the repetitive common questions that the customer has. They can help you to send follow-up and book an appointment.

Discovering what conversational voice AI services your company needs is a good first step. To figure out which service would be the best, think about what problems or opportunities you face that a virtual receptionist can help:

  • Does your company always miss a call?
  • Does your company struggle to call leads?
  • Does your company doesn’t have a website chatbot?

Regardless of that, ClearTalk can always adjust a service that will suit your company’s needs.

Furthermore, think about what services would fit your business’ activity level.

  • Does your business receive hundreds of calls a day or just a few?
  • Do you receive online messages rather than phone calls?
  • Would your business benefit from 24/7 phone answering or would you prefer a particular time frame for answering calls?

Regardless if you get just ten calls or thousands a month, ClearTalk can customize your virtual receptionist service to fit your business activity so you only pay for what you need.

After that, you need to do is to sign up. Starting with ClearTalk’s voice AI services is fast and simple. There are no yearly contracts and no set-up charges.

Follow these three simple steps:

  • Book a DEMO

    You can book a demo to discuss what are the services that we can offer to help you with your business.

  • Get a customized game plan

    Just answer a few questions about your business and the preferences you have. We’ll find the best solution for you that fits your business and your budget.

  • Let Clear Talk provide your calling solutions

    Whether you're working with Clear Talk as an agency or as a done-for-you customer we have you covered.

Whether your business is looking for an occasional, full-time, or part-time virtual receptionist. ClearTalk can custom-tailor your service according to your business needs when it comes to booking appointments, lead screening, follow-up calls, and call leads. When you sign up with ClearTalk, you are not just hiring a voice AI provider, you will be having someone who help you transform your business by capturing sales to grow your revenue.